Conflicting server name - i don't understand

Jim Ohlstein jim at
Thu Sep 3 02:06:34 MSD 2009

Nuno Magalhães wrote:
>> This does not generate any errors.
> Glad to hear it.
>> (Yes, I also don't like the www prefix.)
> Do you have a specific reason for using two server{ } for the same
> domain? Other than
>> This also is *exactly* how Igor suggested that I do it.

Yes. *If* I recall correctly, it came about when I posted a site 
configuration for another reason. At the time I was using an "if" clause 
to rewrite "" to "".

It probably went something like:

 <>if ($host ~* www\.(.*)) {
   <>set $host_without_www $1;
  rewrite <> ^(.*)$ <> http://$host_without_www$1 permanent;

Again, *if* I recall correctly, Igor suggested that using a separate 
server entry with a rewrite and eliminating the "if" clause would be far 
more efficient. It's been far too many years than I care to admit (but 
perhaps near if not greater than the median age on this mailing list) 
since I mucked around in C so who am I to argue?
>> But even if I didn't do it that way I would still use separate servers for
>> 80 and 443 for the same domain.
> Does the listen directive accept multiple values? Or does the server
> accept multiple listen directives? 

I don't know. Never tried.

> The latter seems to be true
> according to the wiki, so why the separation?
Cleaner. Easier to edit and follow. Easier to cut and paste when 
creating new domains. Probably more style than substance though. :)


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