__utm.gif --- how to redirect request?

Ilan Berkner iberkner at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 03:27:42 MSD 2009

Hi All,
Simple question, I think.

Our error log is flooded with file not found requests for __utm.gif.  This
is part of google analytics and for some reason, the requested pages (some)
are trying to load it locally.

I have yet to figure this problem out in terms of the "why" but for now, I
want to remove it from my error log.

2 options:

1. Put a copy of the file in our root directory which will quiet down the
error log or
2. Redirect requests to the file via nginx configuration file, something
like this:

location /__utm.gif {
  [ redirect to: http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif]

What would be the correct format for above?

Also, has anyone encountered this issue before?

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