Non standard mime types are not recognized by gzip_types?

lo nginx-forum at
Tue Aug 17 00:55:30 MSD 2010


nginx/0.7.66 on Debian Stable

We have an application that sends the content type:

Content-Type: application/vnd.companyname.product;version=1.0

We have nginx as a proxy to these application servers.  We would like
nginx to gzip this data.  We have tried the following for gzip_types:

gzip_types application/vnd application/vnd.companyname

(nginx was complaining of the unexpected ; without quotes or escape) 

However, this content type has not been gzip'd per Content-Encoding and
size.  gzip works correctly for types text/html, application/json, and
so on.  

Are we missing something or must we wait for 0.8.x for wildcard matching
with gzip_types?


Posted at Nginx Forum:,120471,120471#msg-120471

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