Nginx capping at 320 requests per second

Cliff Wells cliff at
Thu Aug 26 03:00:51 MSD 2010

Are you certain it's Nginx and not Tornado?   You might try using 

# issue warning if we block for over 200ms
tornado.ioloop.set_blocking_log_threshold (0.2)

Also you don't mention how many Tornado backends you have.   If you
don't have at least one Tornado backend per Nginx worker, you are
probably wasting your time trying to tune Nginx.

As an aside, you might check out ngx_postgres or ngx_drizzle for async
db access from Tornado (lets you use Tornado's async httpclient).


On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 18:09 -0400, dpn wrote:
> Hey, we run a website of fairly decent volume.. up to nearly 4m
> pageviews a day.
> At the moment we run a single machine with nginx and mysql and two
> worker machines with memcached and tornado instances. The nginx server
> is a reverse proxy to the workers and also serves static media.
> The CPU load and memory usage on both of the worker boxes are well
> within reasonable expectations.
> What I am observing is that nginx gets to about 320 requests per second
> then requests start backing up. Sometimes taking the server down, see
> this image:
> When the server doesn't go down, we see a flattening of requests around
> the 320 mark, and the number of "waiting" requests and the memory usage
> of nginx spikes considerably.
> I've tried upping the number of workers in case all of them are blocking
> for long enough to cause this cascading effect (the tornado db driver is
> not async) but didn't really see an improvement by adding more. I've
> also added lots of async memcached access to avoid hitting the db too
> much.
> I've included the configs below.. thanks for any help you may have!
> [code]
> user www-data;
> worker_processes 4;
> worker_rlimit_nofile 32768;
> error_log  /dev/null crit;
> pid        /var/run/;
> events {
>     worker_connections  8192;
>     use epoll;
> }
> http {
>     include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
>     default_type  application/octet-stream;
>     access_log	/dev/null;
>     sendfile        on;
>     keepalive_timeout  0;
>     tcp_nodelay        on;
>     gzip  on;
>     gzip_types text/css text/plain text/javascript
> application/x-javascript application/json;
>     gzip_comp_level 5;
>     gzip_disable     "msie6";
>     include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
>     include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
> }
> [/code]
> [code]
> upstream bar {
>  server worker1:8888 max_fails=1 fail_timeout=10s;
>  server worker2:8888 max_fails=1 fail_timeout=10s;
> }
> server { # simple reverse-proxy
>     listen       80;
>     server_name;
>     #access_log   logs/bar.access.log;
>     access_log /dev/null;
>     location /nginx_status {
>             stub_status on;
>             access_log off;
>             allow;
>             deny all;
>     }
>     location ^~ /static/ {
>         root /home/foo/bar;
>         if ($query_string) {
>                 expires max;
>             }
>         }
>     # pass requests for dynamic content to tornado
>     location / {
>             proxy_pass_header Server;
>             proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
>             proxy_redirect false;
>             proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
>             proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
>             proxy_pass      http://tweete;
>     }
>     error_page 411 /411.html;
>     location = /411.html {
>          root  /home/foo/bar/static/error;
>     }
>     error_page 500 502 503 504  /500.html;
>     location = /500.html {
>          root  /home/foo/bar/static/error;
>      }
>   }
> [/code]
> Posted at Nginx Forum:,123754,123754#msg-123754
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