'sudo nginx -s reload' and 'nginx -t' started to need a minute to complete

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Tue Dec 14 01:28:14 MSK 2010


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 08:57:04PM +0000, Mark Alan wrote:

> While using Ubuntu 10.10+Nginx0.9.3+php5-fpm 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.1:
> Do you know of any reason for 'sudo nginx -s reload' and 'nginx -t'
> suddenly start needing almost a minute to complete?
> while using:
> server {
> 	listen example.org:80;
> 	server_name www.example.org .example.com;
> 	rewrite ^(.*) http://example.org$1 permanent;
> }
> server {
> 	listen example.org:80 default_server;
> 	server_name example.org;
> .../...
> $ time sudo nginx -s reload
>   real	0m0.354s
>   user	0m0.336s
>   sys	0m0.012s
> after adding:
> server {
> 	listen example.com:80;
> 	server_name www.example.com;
> 	rewrite ^(.*) http://example.com$1 permanent;
> }
> server {
> 	listen example.com:80;
> 	server_name example.com;
> .../...
> $ time sudo nginx -s reload
> real    0m56.152s
> user    0m0.077s
> sys     0m0.016s

Most likely reason is example.com having problems with DNS 

While reading/parsing configuration (which is done by both nginx 
-t and nginx -s reload) nginx will try to resolve names in listen 
directive.  If it takes a while you'll see large delays, exactly 
as in your case.

Note that host names in proxy_pass directive are resolved as well, 
so names there may delay loading as well.


> $ cat /etc/hosts
>       localhost
>  mail.example.com example.com www.example.com example.org
> www.example.org
>  mail.example.tld example.tld www.example.tld

You may want to check spelling for "example.com" here and in nginx 

Maxim Dounin

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