How to read http_userid's Base64 encoded userid from Ruby?

Sven C. Koehler schween at
Tue Feb 9 18:53:14 MSK 2010

Ok, I've found a way to get to the original value, seems like nginx uses
a different byte order than ruby does...  

> cookie_uid = "0Cvz4ktwVPEdbRcMAwMFAg=="; cc = cookie_uid.unpack('m*').first; rr = cc.split("").map{|c| c[0].to_i}.inject([]) {|v,s| v.push sprintf("%02X", s); v; }.values_at(3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8, 15, 14, 13, 12).join("")
=> "E2F32BD0F154704B0C176D1D02050303"

(One could probably write this more elegantly by using the right flags for


On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 01:20:47PM +0100, Sven C. Koehler wrote:
> Hey,
> I am using the http user id module and have not yet figured out how I can
> read the base64 encoded cookie from Ruby.  It seems like nginx uses a
> different form of base64 than Ruby does... 
> Example: 
> | uid value = E2F32BD0F154704B0C176D1D02050303 
> In Ruby I see the cookie encoded like this:
> | {"uid"=>"0Cvz4ktwVPEdbRcMAwMFAg=="}
> When I try to decode this value with Base64 in Ruby I get:
> |  require "base64"   
> |  enc="0Cvz4ktwVPEdbRcMAwMFAg=="     
> | => "0Cvz4ktwVPEdbRcMAwMFAg=="
> |  Base64.decode64(enc)
> | => "\320+\363\342KpT\361\035m\027\f\003\003\005\002"
> Has anyone an idea about what I am doing wrong here?
> -S.
> [nginx.conf entries regarding  http userid]
> |  userid          on;
> |  userid_name     uid;
> |  userid_domain;
> |  userid_path     /;
> |  userid_expires  720d;
> |  userid_p3p      'policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="ADMa DEVa PSAa PSDa OUR IND DSP NON COR"';
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