How to rewrite these

Glen Lumanau glen at
Sat Feb 20 17:55:47 MSK 2010

It means that if I have 6 digits of numbers, it will redirect to the url
i've described

But if I have 5 digits of numbers, it's not redirecting to the URL.

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Pineau [mailto:ben at] 
Sent: 20 Februari 2010 21:43
To: nginx at
Subject: Re: How to rewrite these

Glen Lumanau a écrit :
> Thank's for your prompt reply..
> However i tried this
> rewrite  "/news/([0-9] {2})([0-9] {2})([0-9] {2})/$"
> but it doesn't work. What I've missed?

The regexp pattern isn't correct. You shouldn't have spaces before
the "{2}" unless you really want to match two consecutive spaces.

Even without those spaces, this pattern would match urls like
"/news/123456/" (without "/title" and with a trailing slash), while
you said you need to match "/news/$id/title" instead. Also, if you
want to fade out the old url in the long run, you could use a
permanent redirect.

You probably want something like that:
rewrite ^/news/([0-9]{6})/title$$1 permanent;

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