limiting bandwith by querying mysql possible?

agentzh agentzh at
Wed Jan 20 04:51:34 MSK 2010

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:43 PM, partysoft <nginx-forum at> wrote:
> Hi, i haven't found a solution regarding nginx, and it's driving me nuts..
> what i'm trying to do is limit the bandwith for each user that i have in a mysqlDB for some mp3.
> I already have the DB , and i've been trying to implement this with NginxXSendfile, but that doesn't count traffic , just No. of downloads by calling a php script, and the the php forwards to nginx the file transparently...
> this has raised a big amount of suport mails for my system, as the users are...pretty ,,,well you know how they are..
> so , i don't have a clue how to do this , i have to really count the traffic...
> the situation it's pretty bad as i have more webservers serving, and one central DB...with a cluster...but it's a mysql

I think we can control the bandwidth in the ngx_drizzle module :) But
you'll have to use ngx_drizzle to access your mysql cluster, not from
php and not via libmysql.

> what i don't want to do is serve files with php, and of course programming a module is not an option..C++ is pretty hard for me

We'll provide a config file option in the near future :) And no PHP
nor C/C++ will be required here.


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