Is this even possible? grab metadata from mp3 from the beginning of an upload!

Grzegorz Nosek grzegorz.nosek at
Fri Jan 29 14:44:30 MSK 2010

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 12:01:26PM +0100, Saimon Moore wrote:
> My boss has asked me for the following features:
>  - Have uploads of mp3 tracks to our service be made asynchronous
>  - Immediately allow editing of the track form
>  - Grab the tracks metadata (i.e. from the file header) from the
> beginning of the upload to prefill the form
> My initial reaction was that it wasn't possible but I decided to ask
> around to see if other had any other ideas. Would this be possible
> perhaps via chunked transfer? Or perhaps some custom flash?

As the ID3 tag of an mp3 file is at the end, I guess you're SOL unless
you implement it client-side (IIRC it's a fixed-length structure at the
very end of the file; comes in two major versions). Probably a flash
uploader will be required.

> The reason why I'm asking here is that I recognize it could be made
> possible with a custom nginx module I guess.

I'm not sure the web server of choice is of any relevance here, but to
keep on topic you may wish to have a look at the wiki:

Best regards,
 Grzegorz Nosek

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