Nginx+varnish & delivered error_page

Igor Sysoev igor at
Wed Jul 28 16:04:57 MSD 2010

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 06:13:32AM -0400, revirii wrote:

> Hello,
> we have a little problem with, as the topic says, "Nginx+varnish &
> delivered error_page". We have nginx in front as proxy, behind there's a
> varnish cashing stuff from a tomcat backend.
> Sometimes the tomcat crashes and delivers 503 to varnish; varnish sends
> 503 to nginx, nginx sends it to the client (browser, fiddler, ...). I've
> created some 50x error page which is delivered via nginx:
> [code]
>         error_page 500 501 502 503 504 505 /500.htm;
>         # location for error pages
>         location = /500.htm {
>             root /var/www/errorpages;
>             internal;
>         }
> [/code]
> It worked as long as varnish wasn't there, but now with varnish i can't
> see my own error page anymore. Instead the default varnish 503 page (i
> think it's some html code; but with correct 503 status code) is
> delivered. Does anyone know why this happens and has an idea how to
> prevent the varnish page to be delivered in favor of the nginx page?

BTW, why do you prefer to use varnish instead of nginx built-in cache ?

Igor Sysoev

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