high "Load Average"

Cliff Wells cliff at develix.com
Tue Mar 16 20:29:58 MSK 2010

On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 11:53 -0400, Sessna wrote:

> What I am talking about is a little bit different. In peak hours
> response time degrades significantly, but is still more or less
> acceptable, but what is unacceptable is that machine A slows down and
> replies for external actions (like SSH login, VPN connection) very
> slowly. For example, I sometimes even can't establish VPN connection
> to it due to timeouts. (there is openvpn server running on it). That's
> why I am talking about "slow machine A" and blame it. That's why I am
> worried about "uninterruptible sleep" processes and thinking about
> scheduling lag

Ah, I did not gather this from your previous explanations.   Yes, this
is much different than what I was attempting to solve.

Have you done any tuning of your system to handle high loads or is this
a default CentOS install?   


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