nginx, fcgi+perl forking a new process per request ...

Stefan Parvu sparvu at
Sun Mar 21 15:08:10 MSK 2010

> Interesting. As for the large response time, you'd generally run a bunch
> of fcgiwraps (e.g. by using the -c option) to improve responsiveness.
> The memory cost should be negligible compared to a single instance.

Cheers. Yes indeed it makes a difference.

Test 4: N=200, Z=5sec, T=10min
Outputs: X=35.6/sec, R=118ms, Err=0.00%

so from 1872 to 118ms using 3 FCGI processes.

> Also, if your real CGI scripts you are going to run are all Perl-based,
> you may get better results by converting them to talk FastCGI directly
> to save on the overhead of launching Perl and loading its modules once
> per request. However, this includes some gotchas and is generally
> getting way off topic :)

I will document all of these for future. SDR Reporting is
and will be only CGI Perl so I will deploy fcgiwraps as part
of the final solution. As for improving these numbers I will
open a CR in bugzilla to keep track of all of these. 

thanks for help,

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