nginx status: count requests before or after forwarding to backend server?

j0nes2k nginx-forum at
Wed May 19 12:10:41 MSD 2010


I have set up a nginx instance for static content that forwards dynamic content to a backend Apache server via the upstream module. I use munin to monitor both the nginx and Apache requests per second. Now I am wondering how to interpret the results and how the nginx-status works. 

If I have 10000 requests per second on nginx-status and 2000 requests per second on Apache server-status, does that mean I have a total of 12000 request coming in on my server? Does nginx count a request that is forwarded to Apache and increments its total number of requests in nginx-status? Or does this mean that the 10000 requests per second are what is handled by nginx, not counting the forwarded requests to Apache?

Thank you for your answer!

Best regards,
Jonas Kaufmann

Posted at Nginx Forum:,88022,88022#msg-88022

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