reverse proxy and too many temp files

roadfox nginx-forum at
Thu Oct 28 01:16:02 MSD 2010


we are using nginx as a reverse proxy in front of some webservers with
media files.
evrerithing works great beside when we start nginx new with an empty

in this situation allot of files in proxy_temp_path are create consuming
quite fast all our diskspace, in the same time proxy_cache_path is only
very slowly populated.

i see two parameters who might help:

a quick test with *use_stale was not succesfull, but maybe something
else was wrong
and for proxy_max_temp_file_size=0 i'm not shure if it is the right
thing todo

what we would like to achieve is to uses as much of the diskspace for
caching. but on a restart with clean cache, not filling up the temp
folder which does not count to proxy_cache_path max_size.

or should we just reduce the workers (16) to provent from having to many
workers creating the same temp file for the same origin file?


Posted at Nginx Forum:,145097,145097#msg-145097

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