Changing HTTP status from FastCGI

tdebber nginx-forum at
Thu Sep 16 04:23:31 MSD 2010


I am trying to change the HTTP status that is sent when I send a
response to a FastCGI query.  In the nginx configuration file, I have 

fastcgi_pass_header Status;

When generating my return stream, which is done in C++, the first part
of response is:
"Status: 201\r\n"
I have also tried:
"Status: 201 Created\r\n"
as well as different combinations of \n and \r\n following the header. 
In all cases, HTTP/1.1 200 OK is set as the Status and the body of the
response contains the string I've tried to use as my header.  Any hints
as to what I may be doing wrong?

Thank you,
Matt Debski

Posted at Nginx Forum:,130798,130798#msg-130798

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