Unmanaged VPS Beginner: Setting up OS/Nginx/PHP/etc

Kon Wilms konfoo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 03:27:12 MSD 2010

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:19 PM,  <bthreesix at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. How do I check the versions of Debian-5 and the Nginx that are installed?
> If I have to upgrade them, is there anywhere I can go to find out how?

nginx -v

> 2. After I figure out if i have the latest versions for number 1, how do I
> install PHP / MySQL / phpMyAdmin?

Use php-fpm. It may already be installed - ps aux |grep php-fpm. If it
isn't, you need to compile php with fpm support and deploy some
service scripts (see the nginx wiki), and configure nginx to use it
via location directives.

> 3. How do I add other sites without a control panel?

By editing the nginx config files. Nginx by default is not as nicely
laid out as apache for multiple sites. You will have to consult the
nginx wiki and take an approach along the lines of include
/usr/local/nginx/sites-enabled/* in your main http base config, along
with writing a few scripts to provision new domains.


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