Why am I needing to add ampersand manually in rewrites?

Cliff Wells cliff at develix.com
Mon Apr 4 07:55:07 MSD 2011

On Sun, 2011-04-03 at 18:00 -0400, jamz wrote:
> In a Wordpress/Buddypress installation, I am having to go through all my
> code and manually insert ampersands. For example, where there are links
> to things such as "?r=user" I am having to convert that into "?&r=user"
> in order for the link to do the required function. Or when it says
> "?_wpnonce" I am needing to change it to "?&_wpnonce". 

Why would you need to do this? 

& and ? don't go next to each other.  ? indicates the start of query
arguments and & separates them.

?_wpnonce       : correct
?&_wponce       : incorrect
?&r=user        : incorrect
?_wponce&r=user : correct


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