Upstream setup with proxy and fastcgi?

TECK nginx-forum at
Mon Apr 18 19:13:41 MSD 2011

Thanks Igor. The goal is to have Nginx do the load balancing for
multiple servers that serve the same static content and php files.
Basically, I install Nginx in only one server that will be the load
balancer, and PHP in all 4 servers that will contain the exact same
thing (static files and php files):

upstream proxy {
server 1.localserverip:8000;
server 2.localserverip:8000;
server 3.localserverip:8000;
server 4.localserverip:8000;

upstream php {
server 1.localserverip:9000;
server 2.localserverip:9000;
server 3.localserverip:9000;
server 4.localserverip:9000;

Can you give an example how the configuration should look, while serving
php and static files at the same time?
In other words, I want to be be able to output index.php from any of the
servers, as well any static files. The Nginx balancer should be able to
do this, right?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,191346,192087#msg-192087

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