Upstream setup with proxy and fastcgi?
Francis Daly
francis at
Mon Apr 18 21:06:14 MSD 2011
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:30:00PM -0400, TECK wrote:
Hi there,
I've re-read the thread, and I'm not sure what you are trying to
do. Hopefully the following will be useful; if not, if you could include
a clear picture of what services should be running and how they should
interact, it might make it easier for the next person to offer help.
> In theory, all I have to do is this:
> location / {
> proxy_pass http://proxy;
> }
If your backend servers are nginx, each configured to talk to a fastcgi
server, then the above should be pretty much all you need.
> location ~ \.php$ {
> fastcgi_pass php;
> include fastcgi.conf;
> }
That will be useful if your frontend server (= load balancer) should
split the .php urls separately from the other urls.
> However, I have a script that is processed like that on a normal single
> server setup:
> location /forum/ {
> try_files $uri $uri/ /forum/data.php$args;
> }
> How would I make the try_files work with the load balancer scheme?
I think you've said that your front-end doesn't have files, so try_files
can't work.
Perhaps using
proxy_intercept_errors on;
error_page 404 = /forum/data.php$args;
inside the "location /" block would work in a similar way? (Although
it might need to be /forum/data.php?$args, for the php-using location
to match.)
Good luck with it,
Francis Daly francis at
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