Repository Issue

Sergey Budnevitch sb at
Thu Dec 15 20:05:01 UTC 2011

On 15.12.2011, at 23:19, Chris Plessy wrote:

> Hi,
> I've run into an issue with the nginx repository. Previously, I've never needed to add a key to use the nginx repo, however I've now run into an issue where it's asking for one, and I can't find a gpg server for nginx to get one.

First of all this is only warning and you can ignore it, if you know what are you doing.
In case you prefer to add public key, used for signing packages and repository, 
you can download from:

a) -
b) pgp key servers - with command gpg --recv-key 7BD9BF62

To add key to apt keyring run either:

cat nginx_signing.key | sudo apt-key add -


gpg -a --export 7BD9BF62 |  sudo apt-key add -

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