Passing request directly to named location

Dayo nginx-forum at
Fri Feb 11 13:08:40 MSK 2011

Hello all.

I currently have my php set up as so

	location ~ \..*/.*\.php$ {
		return 403;
	location ~* ^.+\.php$ {
		try_files $uri/fail @proxy;
	location @proxy {
		proxy pass etc
some-location-that-sometimes-needs-rewriting-in-apache-htaccess {
		try_files $uri $uri/ @proxy;

Is there a way where when a '.php' file is equested, I just pass the
request to the '@proxy' location.

Now I have to use '$uri/fail' (a location that will never be found) so
that it will fail and then go to the '@proxy' location.

I see the time spent determining that '$uri/fail' does not exist to be a
waste but I can't do 'try_files @proxy' directly.

An option at also works is ... 

	location ~* ^.+\.php$ {
		error_page 403 = @proxy;
		return 403;

Just wondering which is more efficient.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,174090,174090#msg-174090

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