Add new cookie into headers_in

agentzh agentzh at
Wed Jan 26 07:31:27 MSK 2011

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 8:54 PM, Maxim Dounin <mdounin at> wrote:
>> I have already read this recommendation in another topic. But
>> headers_more_module can modify header_in.headers and I wanted to do it
> The fact that some third-party module does this doesn't mean that
> it's correct.

The ngx_headers_more module does use some tricks to get around the bug
that nginx does not copy the input headers struct into subrequests' in
a right way :) I won't say that my hack there is not flawless, but I'm
open to any concrete test cases that can make it fail ;)

Re michalkraus: if you want to do that, just check ngx_headers_more's
source code. If it fails for you, just send a mail to me or file a bug
for my module :)


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