Debian Squeez - install Phusion Passenger AFTER nginx-full

António P. P. Almeida appa at
Fri Jul 22 19:42:32 UTC 2011

On 22 Jul 2011 18h21 WEST, christian.freisen at wrote:

> Hi There,
> i've installed nginx from the debian apt-get nginx-full.
> Now I need passenger, too.
> Is there a way getting passenger up and running without removing
> nginx from the current system (and without installing a second
> instance of it)

Depends on which modules of the nginx-full package you use. I never
liked that idea of throwing everything (which isn't really everyhting)
and the kitchen sink and call it nginx-full. I decided to have my own
builds which bundle the core nginx modules and also the
upload-progress and upstream-fair.

You're free to get the source package and add the passenger module to
the modules directory while adding the module with
--add-module=$(CURDIR)/modules/passenger-module-folder to the rules
file and issue fakeroot debian/rules binary if you don't want to
create a full featured debian package, the binary package suffices.

Short explanation here:

--- appa

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