Bug in supporting Quality zero (negate) parameter in Accept-Encoding

rburkat nginx-forum at nginx.us
Fri Jul 29 19:11:28 UTC 2011

> What really surprises me WHY they send this header at all ?

You would assume that a CDN would clean/normalize the requests to the
backend, and not use the Q qualifiers at all.  But maybe in some cases
they just pass the accept-encoding header which they receive from the

In this case I tracked it down as a large corporation behind a Microsoft
ISA firewall, which could not access our css/js.  They were accessing
the cdn with the origin being our nginx servers.  I can't comment on the
choices that microsoft firewalls make in their request headers ( or the
companies that use them, or how they configure them ), but it appears
that they do follow the RFC in this case.

In order to guarantee correct delivery via nginx, is the only workaround
right now to disable compression on all our css/js content?  Or can you
think of something else?

Thanks Igor.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Radek Burkat

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,213108,213110#msg-213110

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