Rewriting the domain part of Set-Cookie in a proxy_pass

tobia nginx-forum at
Wed Jun 8 18:02:45 MSD 2011

António P. P. Almeida Wrote:
> > How can I rewrite the content of the Set-Cookie
> > response headers, replacing ";"
> > with ";"?
> AFAIK you'll need to use 3rd party modules. Either
> and/or
> Probably the Embedded Perl module let's you do
> that also. You'll have to try it out.

Thanks for the pointers.

HttpHeadersMoreModule doesn't seem to let me replace parts of headers.

Lua doesn't seem to have it either:
> Reading values from ngx.header.HEADER is not 
> implemented yet, and usually you shouldn't need it.

That leaves me with the Perl module...


Posted at Nginx Forum:,204971,204989#msg-204989

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