error_page for 413 not working on remote machine, but works on localhost

vetri nginx-forum at
Wed Jun 22 09:43:48 MSD 2011

mr srirang,

        you are using nginx upload module right. 413 will be thrown when
the request entity too large .set the field like this

        upload_max_output_body_len  0;

       0 means there will be no restriction for the file size u r
uploading .check in ur remote machine config .if u did nt specify the
above .the default will be 100kb. and another thing there is no file
limit .u can change to whatever the size u want to upload.

if u still get that connection was reset 

try like this 

comment the  access_log  path in your config file 

then upload

may be because access permission in writing log file.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,207989,208920#msg-208920

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