Catch ALL requests by LUA-script

andiL nginx-forum at
Tue Mar 1 10:34:40 MSK 2011


i'm using the nginx-lua-module by agentzh on the current stable nginx
(0.8.54) (also the drizzle and echo module and php via php-fpm)

it's working fine with a plain nginx running

What i would like to to:
Is it possible to create a location-entry in the nginx.conf that ALL
requests coming to the Server are handled by a LUA-script?

i.e. i have set the *.php and / locations to internal so only the lua
script should have access to the files (it's responsible for the in- and

i created another "location * { }" ... which contains
"rewrite_by_lua_file /path/to/the/script" and for testing purposes
"default_type 'text/html'"

But now, every request to the Server ends with a 404.

Background: I would like to have a LUA-script which handles every
request and filters certain Headers, Parameters, etc.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,179364,179364#msg-179364

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