nginx silently drops response body of POST depending on its length

Roberto De Ioris roberto at
Mon May 9 09:41:42 MSD 2011

> I've come across an incredibly weird problem with POST responses using
> nginx 1.0.1 and uWSGI on CentOS 5.6.
> uWSGI successfully sends the response body to nginx, but nginx seems to
> ignore it if both (1) the request method is POST, and (2) the response
> length is less than 4052 bytes. The issue doesn't occur when serving
> directly using `uwsgi --http`, so I'm pretty sure the problem is
> something to do with nginx.
> To explain things in code, this Python results in the desired response:
> ....def app_uwsgi(environ, start_response):
> ........start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/html')])
> ........return [b'x' * 4052]
> while this results in zero bytes being sent to the client for POST
> requests:
> ....def app_uwsgi(environ, start_response):
> ........start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/html')])
> ........return [b'x' * 4051]
> I stripped down to a minimal nginx.conf, and the issue still occurs:
> {
> ........worker_connections  1024;
> ....}
> ....http {
> ........upstream uwsgi_connect {
> ............server;
> ........}
> ........server {
> ............listen       20101;
> ............server_name;
> ............location / {
> ................uwsgi_pass  uwsgi_connect;
> ................include     uwsgi_params;
> ............}
> ........}
> ....}

Be sure to read POST body in your WSGI app if Content-Length > 0,
otherwise your socket queue will get clobbered (nginx will receive a close
when there is still data available in the queue)

Roberto De Ioris

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