Reverse proxy to a tomcat service (folder name)

kheraud nginx-forum at
Fri May 27 20:26:47 MSD 2011

Thank you for the hint,

It seems to work (for the first page) but in fact it leads to some
errors... You added "/" to "proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/myapp". But
I ommitted it after having seen that it leads to the following mistakes
on the tomcat side :

The requested resource (/dev01-portal//j_spring_security_check) is not

The access log is :
[27/May/2011:18:23:32 +0200] "POST /dev01-portal/j_spring_security_check
HTTP/1.1" 404 441 "" "Mozilla/5.0

I don't know why but it seems it requests

Do you know where it comes from ?

Thanks again for the help

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