Accessing binary blob data in MySQL backend

csg nginx-forum at
Tue May 31 15:20:34 MSD 2011


I am curious if is feasible to have Nginx deliver binary blob data which
is currently stored in a MySQL database. I was loosely following the
examples mentioned in agentzh's blog [1] which work all fine for me with
non-binary data. But as JSON is used for intermediate serialization
which is not binary safe I was wondering if there are other ways (or
even modules) that access the raw payload data from its RDS

In my scenario I'm trying to access images data like JPEGs stored as
blobs in MySQL causing the JSON parser to fail of course

content_by_lua aborted: runtime error: InvalidJSONInput: lexical error:
invalid bytes in UTF8 string.

My current software stack consists of CentOS 5.6/x86_64, Nignx 1.0.3
(plus simpl-ngx_devel_kit 0.2.17, chaoslawful-lua-nginx-module 0.1.5,
chaoslawful-drizzle-nginx-module 0.0.14, agentzh-rds-json-nginx-module
0.10), Lua 5.1.4, LuaRocks, Lua YAJL 2.0, YAJL 2.0.1, Drizzle7
libraries 2011.04.15 and MySQL database 5.1.57.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,202577,202577#msg-202577

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