Help with rewrite

Mickie D nginx-forum at
Sun Sep 4 22:46:18 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I am using a plugin for my site called VBSEO

They use the following code:

 if ($request_filename ~ "\.php$" ) {
 rewrite ^/(.*)$ /vbseo.php break;
 if (!-e $request_filename) {
 rewrite ^/(.*)$ /vbseo.php break;

I read the article about IF IS EVIL and thought it would be better to
make this code better.

Could someone who knows about the rewrites and nginx coding please help

I will post the results (if it's possible of course) to VBSEO so they
can update there rules.

Kind Regards

Posted at Nginx Forum:,214761,214761#msg-214761

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