proxy_buffering on - doesn't return files with large data?

shrinath.m nginx-forum at
Fri Apr 6 12:32:16 UTC 2012


We have setup like so : 

1. Nginx is configured as server which recieves user request
2. The user request is proxy_passed to another server which is also

Now when user requests for a file(401481 bytes) over AJAX, it is not
being served. This problem doesn't happen for every file, just for
random files. The same file doesn't load every time. 

I tried disabling proxy_buffering off, it worked. 
BTW, it is not the file size problem. It is working for larger file than
the one that is not loading. I would love to know why. 


Posted at Nginx Forum:,225015,225015#msg-225015

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