SSL negotiation failures causing 408 error to be returned

bpiraeus nginx-forum at
Mon Apr 16 17:24:17 UTC 2012

Maxim Dounin Wrote:
> Hello!

> Similar errors might as well be a result of e.g.
> network connectivity 
> problems.  It's hard to say anything without
> detailed inspection 
> of a failure on the client side.

We've been able to replicate once in a VM running Win 7 w/ Chrome.

> There is at least several Vista user-agents in
> your list (Windows 
> NT 6.0), and I would rather suggest to compare the
> distribution to 
> your site's OS/UA stats before concluding
> anything.  And you need 
> to trace real client failures, not 408 errors in
> general.

We've done numerous packet traces, at this point we're fairly well
stumped and are leaning towards it being some strange interaction with
SSL+Flash. The 408s, while not specifically problem, may indirectly
contribute to some behavioral issue that we're still trying to track
down. I would be hard pressed to put this on Nginx, I was, ultimately,
hoping someone had perhaps seen this behvior previously and had some
insight into the issue.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,225349,225375#msg-225375

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