Weird issue between backend and upstream (0 bytes)

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Thu Aug 9 14:15:30 UTC 2012


On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 10:24:51AM -0300, Guzmán Brasó wrote:

> Just made myself of a dump from the backend perspective and analized with
> wireshark to see what were on those bytes, I was pretty sure those bytes
> were some error from the app with the key to fix it.... but no, those 15776
> bytes are always 15776 but the first 15776 of every request, so every
> request is different.
> According to tcpdump everything flows OK and after one common ack from
> upstream while backend sends data, upstream inmediatly  sends the FIN flag
> and inmediatly after that a group of RST arrive.

This might be a result of several first packets (e.g. initial 
buffer size) being sent before app crashes somewhere at the end of 
response generation.  Have you tried to look what happens from 
the app's point of view?


Maxim Dounin

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