Changed /usr/share/nginx/html/ softlink, now nginx won't serve it @localhost

Francis Daly francis at
Wed Dec 26 11:55:23 UTC 2012

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 04:31:52AM -0500, Kurtosis wrote:

Hi there,

> ~/Projects/Clients/ANS/src/MetroBusiness.ans

> ~/work/clients/ans/src/MetroBusiness.ans

The capitalisation there has changed.

Can you see "ls -l" and "ls -lL" of the symlink to confirm that things
on the filesystem are as they should be?

> But now I can't view the site in localhost. It should be the same url, but
> now I'm getting:
> ----------------------------
> Welcome to nginx! If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully
> installed and working.
> ----------------------------

What does nginx.conf have, for this server{} and this location{}?

> Any idea why Nginx can't see this soft link and serve this site anymore?

If the above doesn't give you a hint, perhaps the error or debug log will?

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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