Rewriting Base URL when passing

Valentin V. Bartenev ne at
Wed Feb 15 20:35:08 UTC 2012

On Thursday 16 February 2012 00:15:51 adam estes wrote:
> It seems to actually be rewriting the url now. The issue is with how its
> doing it
> when I visit 69.x.x.x./django/admin/
> it rewrites it to 69.x.x.x/admin/
> which is then processed by nginx again I'm guessing because it loads the
> IPB admin folder, and not the django admin url like it should if it was
> being handled by django.

If you didn't set any "rewrite" then nginx doesn't rewrite url and it doesn't 
process it again. The "location" and "uwsgi_param" directives can't do that.

Could you show your full config?

 wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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