image_filter on error_page location

Reinis Rozitis r at
Tue Jan 3 17:18:45 UTC 2012

I can't figure how to solve such issue - nginx seems not to apply image_filter in case the picture comes from upstream via internal 

I have something like (if picture is prefixed with sm_ a dynamic thumbnail is made and the original saved locally):

location ~ /sm_ {
        rewrite (.*)/sm_(.*) $1/$2 break;
        image_filter   crop  100 100;
        error_page      404 = @store;

location @store {
        proxy_pass           http://backend/$uri;
        proxy_store          on;


If the file doesn't exist on the server client gets the original/full sized image, on the second request when the file is stored on 
the nginx box the image/response gets resized.

Also requesting directly from the upstream within the location block:

location ~ /sm_ {
        rewrite (.*)/sm_(.*) $1/$2 break;
        image_filter   crop  100 100;
        proxy_pass           http://backend/$uri;

works as expected but in this case obviously no local copy (which is necessary) is made.

Any suggestions?


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