an unexpected newline appears when use memc and echo_location_async, how to delete the newline ?

Xiangong Yang monitor.xoyo at
Sat Jun 16 03:36:28 UTC 2012

Thank you very much, agentzh!
I'll immediately try the xss-nginx-module module in your guide.

2012/6/16 agentzh <agentzh at>

> Hello!
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 10:08 AM, agentzh <agentzh at> wrote:
> Sorry, I was reading too fast. For the memcached commands other than
> "get", ngx_memc will return the raw memcached responses, and in your
> case, for the "incr" command, the response is ended by a CR LF
> sequence.
> If it bothers you, then you're recommended to use ngx_lua with
> lua-resty-memcached instead, for example:
>  # the following line is not required if the ngx_openresty bundle is used.
>  lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-resty-memcached/lib/?.lua;;";
>  server {
>    listen 8080;
>    location ~ "^/property/([0-9]+)" {
>        charset utf-8;
>        default_type 'application/json';
>        xss_callback_arg callback;
>        xss_get on;
>        content_by_lua '
>            local memcached = require "resty.memcached"
>            local memc = memcached:new()
>            memc:set_timeout(500) -- 500 ms
>            local ok, err = memc:connect("", 11211)
>            if not ok then
>                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to connect to memcached: ", err)
>                return ngx.exit(500)
>            end
>            local key = "property_" .. ngx.var[1]
>            local newval, err = memc:incr(key, 1)
>            if not newval then
>                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to incr the key in memcached: ",
> err)
>                return ngx.exit(500)
>            end
>            -- the connection pool capacity is set to 1024 connections
>            memc:set_keepalive(0, 1024)
>            ngx.print([[{"]], key, [[":"]], newval, [["}]])
>        ';
>    }
>  }
> The example above utilizes the following components:
> If you're too lazy to download and install all these dependencies, you
> can try out the ngx_openresty bundle instead:
> Best regards,
> -agentzh
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