Using error_page to a named location - possible?

Ed W lists at
Tue Mar 6 22:32:56 UTC 2012

On 06/03/2012 17:47, Maxim Dounin wrote:
>> I can't see that it's possible to use something like:
>>    location / {
>>      proxy_pass;
>>      error_page 502 @502;
>>    }
>> location @502 {
>>    index /502.html;
>>    root /var/www;
>>    internal;
>> }
> Try something like:
>      location @502 {
>          internal;
>          root /var/www;
>          rewrite ^ /502.html break;
>      }
> This should work at least for GET requests.

Perfect - thanks!

Now, I have thought about this a little while and I don't quite 
understand how it works...?

The key seems to be the rewrite clause - near as I can see, without this 
the error request gets reprocessed by the "location /" section, but the 
rewrite is causing it to terminate that?

Can you teach me to understand this please?

Many thanks!

Ed W

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