Collapsing Empty Variables in Nginx Access Log When Using TAB Delimiter

adamchal nginx-forum at
Fri Mar 9 17:23:28 UTC 2012

What I've done for now is replace the lines at 675 and 676 of

674:     if (value == NULL || value->not_found) {
675:        *buf = '-';
676:        return buf + 1;
677:    }


674:     if (value == NULL || value->not_found) {
675:        *buf = 0;
676:        return buf;
677:    }

I hope this won't cause any issues.  It seems to be working very nicely.
 Here's a see one-liner if anyone is interested in doing the same

sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/buf = \W-\W;\(\s*return buf\) + 1;/buf =
0;\1;/g;p;}' src/http/modules/ngx_http_log_module.c >
src/http/modules/ && mv -f

It would be nice in the future to be able to set the "NULL" character
for the log module.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,223532,223680#msg-223680

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