nginx doesn't response any request

Francis Daly francis at
Sat May 5 01:50:53 UTC 2012

On Fri, May 04, 2012 at 06:20:35AM -0400, rock wrote:

Hi there,

I suggest you check non-nginx things like routers, firewalls, and other
access control devices.

>     server {
>         listen       80;
>         server_name;

When I try to access something on that public host (currently, the only tcp traffic I see back is a repeated syn-ack,
followed after 5 minutes by a reset.

It looks like plain ack packets are not getting through to your
service. It is unlikely that there is anything nginx can do about that.

If this mail makes no sense to you, ask your system- or
network-administrator about firewalls or iptables that might be between
your server and the internet.

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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