[ANN] ngx_openresty devel version released

agentzh agentzh at gmail.com
Sun May 13 05:40:29 UTC 2012

Hi, folks!

After two weeks' development, I'm happy to announce the new
development release of ngx_openresty,


Below is the change log for this release:

 *   now we bundle Sergey A. Osokin's RedisNginxModule, 0.3.6, which
     is also enabled by default. thanks Zhu Feng for requesting this.

 *   upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.5.0rc27.

     *   bugfix: nginx could crash on request finalization when
         running the cosocket cleanup handle due to the lack of check
         of the "ctx" pointer. thanks shaneeb for reporting this in
         github issue #110.

     *   bugfix: ngx.req.get_body_data() could not handle
         multi-buffer request bodies and discarded the body data
         after the first buffer.

     *   bugfix: ngx.ctx was not accessible at all in "set_by_lua*".
         thanks Pierre.

     *   bugfix: fixed typo "on-array", which should be "non-array",
         in an error message.

     *   optimize: now ngx.log is much faster when the log level
         argument is lower than the actual error_log level specified
         in nginx.conf. thanks Matthieu Tourne for providing the

     *   optimize: now we call "ngx_http_lua_socket_finalize" in
         "cosocket:setkeepalive()" to help buffer reuse.

 *   upgraded SetMiscNginxModule to 0.22rc8.

     *   feature: added new directives set_secure_random_alphanum and
         set_secure_random_lcalpha for generating cryptographically
         strong random strings based on the "/dev/urandom" device.
         thanks Jeremy Wohl for the patch.

 *   upgraded SrcacheNginxModule to 0.13rc8.

     *   bugfix: the "Content-Length" response header for HEAD
         requests should leave intact when cache hits happen.

     *   bugfix: the srcache_store subrequest did not set the
         "Content-Length" request header properly for multi-buffer
         request bodies. thanks Feibo Lee for submitting the patch.

     *   feature: HTTP conditional GET requests are now supported
         (both "If-Modified-Since" and "If-Unmodified-Since" request
         headers are properly handled). thanks Nginx_User777.

 *   upgraded LuaRedisParserLibrary to v0.09.

     *   feature: added "redis.parser._VERSION".

     *   bugfix: now we use Lua userdata to allocate memory used on
         the C side to prevent potential leaks caused by malloc/free,
         as discussed in github issue #6.

 *   upgraded LuaRdsParserLibrary to 0.05.

     *   feature: added "redis.parser._VERSION".

     *   bugfix: now we use Lua userdata to allocate memory used on
         the C side to prevent potential leaks caused by malloc/free,
         as discussed in github issue #6.

 *   upgraded LuaRestyMemcachedLibrary to 0.07.

     *   feature: now the methods for the Memcached storage commands
         now accept Lua tables as the "value" argument. thanks Brian
         Akins for the patch.

 *   upgraded LuaRestyUploadLibrary to 0.03.

     *   feature: now the raw headers for each part are also
         returned, as suggested by zou2062 in github issue #1.

 *   applied the patch for a bug in "ngx_http_named_location" to the
     nginx core:

 *   applied the patch for a bug in the filter finalizer to the nginx

The HTML version for this change log can be seen here:


Special thanks go to all our contributors and users for helping make
this happen :)

OpenResty (aka. ngx_openresty) is a full-fledged web application
server by bundling the standard Nginx core, lots of 3rd-party Nginx
modules, as well as most of their external dependencies.

See OpenResty's homepage for more details:


Have fun!

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