proxy_pass with trailing slash issue

John Moore john at
Thu May 17 19:40:42 UTC 2012

On 17/05/12 20:08, Maxim Dounin wrote:
> With
>      location / {
>          proxy_pass http://backend/;
>      }
> there shouldn't be any extra slashes, even in 0.7.65 which is
> rather old (and it may be good idea to upgrade it anyway).  Could
> you please provide full config and some logs which show the
> problem?

If it's not the trailing slash which is causing the leading slash in the 
proxied requests, I need to look elsewhere. If I don't get anywhere, 
I'll try to produce something a little more informative.

I take your point about upgrading. The problem is that 0.7.65 is 
absolutely rock solid, and is in use in an extremely busy system, so 
there has been little incentive to upgrade! I do think we should do so, 


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