nginx on windows keeps hanging

itpp2012 nginx-forum at
Sun May 20 11:20:54 UTC 2012

A fpm pool of 4 for 1 worker is more then enough to have the same
performance with win32 compared to linux, of-course linux supports more
workers but you can get that on win32 too by loadbalancing multiple
nginx installations using nginx itself in fpm frontend mode to multiple
nginx backend nodes as, affinity managed, fpm pool.

Why php aborts depends on whats happening, have a look at php's timeout
settings and "ignore_user_abort = On". Add a loop label in the batch so
it restarts the cgi process. I haven't yet had a fpm process terminate
while the pool balances nicely to the amount of requests.

Use ab.exe(apache tool) to benchmark and tune things.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,226613,226660#msg-226660

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