active connections of nginx continually increase

tntzwz nginx-forum at
Sat May 26 02:04:47 UTC 2012

Reinis Rozitis Wrote:
> > from 3000 to 5000, 10000 .... 10k ... 50k, and
> never reduce even in the late night.
> Just to be sure - are you not by any chance
> reading the all time total values (3rd line)
> instead of the actual ones which are on 
> 4th?
> e.g. can you show what's your 'stub_status on';
> location output actually looks like?

thanks for your remind.  I'm for sure to record the 1st line and 4th
line of the status output

curl http://server1/status
Active connections: 40265 
server accepts handled requests
 16856987 16856987 28380346 
Reading: 2583 Writing: 267 Waiting: 37415 

and on the web server at the same time:
netstat -nap | grep EST  | grep 80 | wc -l

I recorded the numbers using the following scripts, it has been tested.

RAWdata=`curl http://${Host}/status 2>/dev/null`
ToNagios=`echo $RAWdata |
awk '{
if ($3 > '$Active_Num_WARNING' ||  $12 > '$Read_Num_WARNING' || $14 >
'$Write_Num_WARNING' || $16 > '$Wait_Num_WARNING' )
   printf( "'$Host'" " Warning |Active_connections_are="$3 ";;;;
Reading="$12 ";;;; Writing="$14 ";;;; Waiting="$16 ";;;;")
   printf( "'$Host'" " OK |Active_connections_are="$3 ";;;; Reading="$12
";;;; Writing="$14 ";;;; Waiting="$16 ";;;;")

sample output:
[xxx at desktop ~]$ RAWdata=`curl http://server1/status 2>/dev/null`
[xxx at desktop ~]$ echo $RAWdata
Active connections: 44476 server accepts handled requests 17371377
17371377 29208687 Reading: 2839 Writing: 312 Waiting: 41325

from the diagram recorded, you can see not only waiting but also reading
, writing are all increasing

> rr 
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