try_files rewrite drops other get variables

Edho Arief edho at
Thu Oct 18 01:59:24 UTC 2012

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Ian Evans <ianevans at> wrote:
> I thought adding $args to the end of the try_files line would work but that
> appeared to mess it up more. Is there any way to get the try_files version
> to work like the old version?
> Been staring at this but I don't see how
> rewrite ^/galleries(/.*$|$) /galleries.php?mypath=$1 last; passes the path
> and additional GET variables, but the try_files version doesn't pass on the
> additional variables.


"If a replacement string includes the new request arguments, the
previous request arguments are appended after them. If this is
undesired, putting a question mark at the end of a replacement string
avoids having them appended, for example:"

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