Strange problem with cache

florian.iragne nginx-forum at
Fri Oct 26 11:57:08 UTC 2012

Ok, now i understand. The browser sends a request withe the
if-not-modified-since corresponding to one server to the other server, and
this one reply with 200 since the mtime is in the future of the

is there any simple solution to handle this? I don't want to rsync assets
between the servers

I use django in my project and its static/collectstatic process. So, i force
the mtime of each static file collected, afet each collecstatic operation. I
give the command line if someone fall in the same trap:
./ collectstatic --noinput && find static -type f -exec touch -t
$(date +%m%d%H)00 '{}' \; 

Now, the cache is working as intended and my servers are in active-active

Thanks for your answer that leads me to the solution

Posted at Nginx Forum:,232235,232254#msg-232254

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