Some requests not getting logged

eiji-gravion nginx-forum at
Mon Sep 17 23:38:49 UTC 2012


I've noticed that some (seemingly random) requests get logged as 400 and 408
codes without 301 or 200 codes showing up in the logs.

This seems to occur a lot when redirecting people from http > https via a
301 redirect, the 301 redirect will in many cases not appear at all in the
logs but will instead show the following after some time has passed:

- - 24.**.***.** - - [17/Sep/2012:19:19:07 -0400] "-" 400 0 "-" "-" "-" "-"

I've also seen some https requests not show up in the logs at all as 200
codes, but will eventually display 408 codes:

TLSv1 ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA 213.***.***.** - - [17/Sep/2012:18:30:31 -0400] "-"
408 0 "-" "-" "-" "-"

I've also been able to confirm that all of these requests are successful, so
is this something wrong with the logging, or is this normal behavior?

To me it seems buggy how someone could make a 301 or 200 code request, and
be completely hidden in the access logs other than the eventual 400/408s.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,230801,230801#msg-230801

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