another "nested locations" question

AJ Weber aweber at
Thu Sep 27 13:05:47 UTC 2012

So this probably will work if I have the access_log AND include a copy 
of the proxy_pass directives in the nested location.  The 
proxy_set_header, proxy_cache..., etc. would all be inherited 
automatically in the nested location, so I can leave those in the parent?

On 9/26/2012 11:44 AM, Maxim Dounin wrote:
> Hello!
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:05:44PM -0400, AJ Weber wrote:
>> I am interested in using a nesting of some sort so that I don't have
>> to duplicate all the proxy- and other directives for one "special
>> case".
>> Basically, I'd like a very small subset of my webapp to also write
>> to a separate access-log.  When a user hits that particular page, I
>> would like to log it, AND also perform all the directives for the
>> rest of the site that are already configured.
>> Something like
>> location /site {
>>      location /site/search {
>>          access_log /var/log/nginx/search_access.log;
>>      }
>>      proxy_pass ...
>>      proxy_redirect off;
>>      proxy_set_header ...
>> }
>> So accessing /site/search should write an entry in the "special log
>> file", and then do all the "normal stuff" that location /site has
>> itemized.
>> Is this possible?
> Not exactly.  Each location is expected to have it's own "do
> something" list, i.e. if you need proxy_pass in this location -
> you have to write it explicitly.
> On the other hand, there is no need to duplicate normal
> configuration, e.g. proxy_redirect and proxy_set_header will be
> inherited from previous level(s).  I.e. you have to write
> explicitly only few directives which aren't inherited, notably
> try_files, rewrite module directives, and content handlers like
> proxy_pass.
> In the above config snippet you have to duplicate proxy_pass into
> location /site/search.

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