Status Code 001 In Logs

abstein2 nginx-forum at
Wed Apr 10 20:57:33 UTC 2013

I can't find documention anywhere on what it means when nginx shows 001 as
the value of $status in the access_log.

I currently use nginx as a reverse proxy and I get this error when uploading
large files (2+ MB though my client_max_body_size is 4 MB) .

Also worth noting, the follow values per my log files:

$upstream_status: -
$upstream_response_time: -

Right now, the nginx server sits behind a load balancer, so it goes: Request
-> Load Balancer -> Nginx -> Origin.

Anyone have any ideas what the 001 code is supposed to represent?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,238267,238267#msg-238267

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